Revealing Your Diamond

Revealing Your Diamond

“Revealing Your Diamond” is broken down into four sections: Why Self-Work, Boundaries, Philosophy, and the Actual Work. The Self-Work section gives an in-depth explanation as to why working on ourselves is beneficial for ourselves, our loved ones, our family line, and the whole world. The Boundaries section explains the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. The Philosophy section includes concepts like the Placebo/Nocebo Effect, reoccurring issues, unwinding, healing crisis, and the importance of being both a physical and spiritual being as we navigate our life path. The Actual Work section describes how to protect yourself and your environment, methods of testing to gather information from the subconscious, and a Self-Assessment section. The Self-Assessment section includes 46 charts a person is able to test to see if there are aspects in that chart that need to be addressed. Topics include meridians, chakras, Kabbalah tree of life, archetypes, themes of life, and traumas. There are also a beneficial subconscious belief chart and a limiting subconscious belief chart that a person can test to see what they may need to incorporate and/or clear out.


Revealing Your Diamond

"Revealing Your Diamond" is broken down into four sections: Why Self-Work, Boundaries, Philosophy, and the Actual Work. The Self-Work section gives an in-depth explanation as to why working on ourselves…