Prayers, Spells, & Curses

There are multiple purposes for this post. One is to help bring to light how similar prayers, spells, and curses are. Another purpose is to help you better receive prayers and spells by incorporating beneficial beliefs into your subconscious that will attract what you’re asking for in your prayers.  Yet another purpose is also to help those who have been cursed become empowered to 1) clear out any curses or unfavorable spells and 2) address any subconscious patterns that may allow a curse or unfavorable spell to “stick.”

I view “God” the same as I do Creator, Goddess, Source, Spirit, Supreme Consciousness, Universe, and the like. When I use the term “God,” it is not directed at a specific religion. And, of course, you can you other terminology that better fits your spiritual practice.

I personally view prayers and curses as 2 sides of the same coin. It can be argued that spells can also fall into these categories depending on the person’s intention. The following definitions are provided by Merriam-Webster dictionary:

  • Prayer: request or petition to God by word or thought.
    • Personally, I like Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale’s definition of prayer: allowing God to give to you (or another person). You’re giving God permission.
      • I do not follow any religious practice and am not pushing anyone else to follow any religious practice. I’m mentioning this way of looking at prayer because it positively changed how I viewed prayer.
      • Ex: When praying for money, phrase it as you are giving God permission to provide you with financial abundance. God has always wanted to help you with this and you are finally giving Them permission.
  • Spell: spoken word or form of words that hold magic power.
  • Curse: prayer or invocation to harm or injure someone.

For the remainder of this blog, we will only talk about prayers and curses with the understanding that spells can fall into either category.

A prayer is benevolent in nature. A love spell that involves attracting a non-specified person with certain amiable traits is benevolent. Got a crush on a person? Write down the characteristics that you feel attract you to that person. Humor? Kindness? Intelligence? Down-to-earth? Honest? Compassionate? Physical attributes? Someone you can grow with? Create a generalized description and use that instead. While I’m specifying for a love spell, you can also make a generalized description for the friendships and business relationships you want too.

Ex: “I attract a kind, loving, smart, and funny partner who I have a mutually beneficial relationship with.” or “I attract kind, loving, smart, and funny people who I have mutually beneficial relationships with.”

A curse is malevolent in nature. A love spell that involves attracting a specific person is malevolent because it’s an attempt to take away and/or severely manipulate free will from that person. Any time free will is being taken away, it’s malevolent.

Both prayers and curses are intentional.


For some people, the term “prayer” can be very overwhelming and unfavorable. There are people who grew up in harmful religious groups and have been left with a bad taste in their mouths when they hear the term “prayer.” And it’s completely understandable. If you don’t like the term “prayer,” then use another word that best resonates with you. Some suggestions are affirmation, appeal, claim, invoke, propose, and request. Yes, an affirmation is another way to say prayer.

A mantra is type of prayer where a word or phrase is said repeatedly either out loud or internally. This is a fair term to use when programming beneficial beliefs into the subconscious mind because it does repeat the phrases over and over again like a recording.

When performing a prayer, some people use words, poems, and/or singing. Others will add items such as candles, incense, crystals, stones, symbols, figurines, and the like to help add power to their prayer. Some will provide offerings and make requests to specific deities. There are many articles and books that are available with fantastic suggestions about which items will increase the power of the prayer.

Programming Your Subconscious Mind to Accept Prayers:

It is favorable to make sure your subconscious mind is aligned to receive prayers you make for yourself and prayers others make for you. Why? The best way to explain it is in the example provided below.

Example: My subconscious mind disagrees with the term: “It is okay for me to receive money.” I may spend a minute or so consciously praying to the Universe to help me with money. My subconscious mind is the one constantly sending out “perpetual prayers” (or “perpetual curses/jinxes” if it’s a limiting belief) all day long. My minute of consciously asking for a prayer daily isn’t going to overpower the 1,440 minutes of my subconscious mind essentially saying “Thanks, but no thanks.”

By aligning my subconscious mind to the term, “it is okay for me to receive money,” two things happen. 1) I now have a “perpetual prayer” going on 1,440 minutes daily. 2) When an opportunity for me to receive money comes up, I’m more likely to take advantage of that opportunity.

Provided are beneficial statements you can check to make sure you are in alignment with. If you aren’t, you can perform a balance to incorporate the statement into your subconscious mind. There are additional beneficial statements you can test for that are found in the ebook “Revealing Your Diamond” that go deeper into topics such as finances, health, love, money, etc.

To subconsciously figure out if you disagree with any of the statements, you can: pendulum test, sway test, muscle test, and/or body check test. The first three methods can be found on different websites, blogs, and in the ebook “Revealing Your Diamond.” The last method is described in Aim for Average blog.

Once you figure out what statement you don’t agree with (consciously and/or subconsciously), you can use Crossy-Cross Position, Cross-Crawl Maneuver, or Figure 8s with Arms to integrate the statement into your subconscious mind. Descriptions of how to perform those can be found in Aim for Average blog.

As you’re incorporating the beneficial statement, if heavy or uncomfortable feelings come up, feel them, honor them, thank them, and then allow them to pass. If you feel the feelings won’t go away, there may be more that needs to be uncovered in order to incorporate that statement into your subconscious. Journal work and seeking a professional would be a good idea. If your mind tries to argue with you about incorporating the statement, speak to your mind with the compassion and understanding you would a child. If you aren’t able to resolve it with your mind, there may be more that needs to be done. Again, journal work and seeking a professional would be advisable.

  1. God is happy to help me.
  2. God wants to help me.
  3. I allow God to answer beneficial prayers others make for me.
  4. I allow God to help me.
  5. I allow my prayers about ___________ to be answered. (health, love, money, etc.)
  6. I allow my prayers to be answered in a way that is for my greatest good.
  7. I allow my prayers to be answered.
  8. I am comfortable praying for myself.
  9. I am comfortable with having my prayers answered.
  10. I am comfortable with others praying for me.
  11. I am grateful my prayers are answered.
  12. I am worthy of having my prayers answered.
  13. I deserve to have my prayers about ____________ answered. (health, love, money, etc.)
  14. I deserve to have my prayers answered.
  15. I give God permission to answer my prayers.
  16. I give God permission to answer prayers that are beneficial for me.
  17. I give God permission to help me.
  18. I want my prayers answered.
  19. It is okay for me to pray to __________. (God, Source, Universe, Almighty, Allah, etc)
  20. It is okay for me to pray.
  21. It is okay for me to receive _________. (health, love, money, abundance, etc.)
  22. It is okay for me to receive beneficial prayers from others.
  23. It is okay for me to receive.
  24. It is okay for my prayers to be answered.
  25. It is okay for others to pray for me.
  26. It is safe for me to pray to __________. (God, Source, Universe, Almighty, Allah, etc)
  27. It is safe for me to pray.
  28. It is safe for my prayers to be answered.
  29. It is safe for others to pray for me.


A curse is intentionally performed to harm or injure someone. Some curses are performed only with words. Some curses are performed in conjunction with items and/or symbols. These are used to try to increase the potency of the curse.

A curse isn’t to be confused with a jinx because jinxes aren’t necessarily intentional. Jinxes are more about inconvenience and they also tend to be temporary. There are people who intentionally jinx a person with the caveat that if the person changes an unfavorable behavior, the jinx will end.

Unintentional jinxes occur far more than we give them credit for. Sometimes, we send negative things other people’s way without realizing it. Have you ever said “damn you” to a person? Have you ever wished someone ill will in the heat of the moment? It’s possible the jinx took effect without you having meant it too. With the same breath, it is possible that we accidentally jinx ourselves. And, of course, we can intentionally curse ourselves.

Personally, I think any religious teaching that is against cursing is talking about this sort of stuff. We shouldn’t send people or ourselves ill will, jinxes, or curses.

In my limited experience, I’ve noticed curses, jinxes, and the like only work because they take advantage of limiting beliefs the receiver has about themselves.

Example: If a person is constantly judging themselves, hates themselves, and feels that they deserve to be punished, they are going to be more susceptible to a curse thrown their way that wishes them harm. At the end of this portion, I’ll go through how this person would clear things out.

The good news is by clearing out these limiting beliefs and culminating self-love, the person is able to clear out the curse AND it makes the person less susceptible to curses.

Clearing Out the Things that Make a Curse “Stick”:

Here are ways that I have addressed these different curses, vows, and the like. I address this similarly to when clearing out outside influences:

  1. Work on the emotions/belief patterns and anything else that makes me susceptible and/or open to this connection (clearing each one out using Crossy-Cross Position, Cross-Crawl Maneuver or Figure 8s Arms)
    1. If it’s the house or land that it’s connected with, I will clear emotions/belief patterns from the house and land. Objects, buildings, and land can all absorb emotions.
    1. If it’s ancestral, I will clear emotions/belief patterns in the family line

How do you even identify emotions or belief patterns that increase susceptibility? You can use muscle testing, pendulum testing, sway testing, and/or body check. Ask; “Is there an emotion or belief that is making me susceptible this curse?” or “Is there an emotion or belief that makes me susceptible to curses?” If you get a “yes”, go through to identify what the emotion or belief is. If you need suggestions, there is a feelings chart and lists of limiting beliefs that can be found in the ebook “Revealing Your Diamond.”

Once you identify the emotion or belief, you perform the Crossy-Cross Position, Cross-Crawl Maneuver, or Figure 8s Arms with the intention to clear out the pattern. You can visualize the pattern being cleared out. You can hear it being washed or burned away. You can call upon the deities or angelic beings from your belief system to help clear out the pattern. Retest afterward to make sure the emotion or pattern has been cleared out.

Of course, if at any point you feel uncomfortable with this work or feel like you need someone else to help, seek a professional. Be aware that anyone who charges you an exorbitant amount to clear a curse may not have your best intentions at heart. If someone claims you are cursed, but you feel like you don’t, seek a second or third or fourth opinion.

  • Identify any cords that connect me to the thing and remove them
    • This can be done by holding Crossy-Cross Position and visualizing any cords that are connecting you to the thing and imagine a violet flame burning it away. I’ll also imagine a golden or white light bathing the area of my body that was corded with Light, Love, Unconditional Love Energy, and Healing energy.
    • Clearing cords is different than heart-to-heart connections. You can have a neutral or beneficial heart-to-heart connection with someone and, at the same time, have additional unhealthy corded connections with that person. You’re only clearing out the stagnant, limiting, unhealthy, and harmful cords.

This can fall into ex-loved ones performing a curse. You may need to clear any connections with that person because that connection may be allowing that curse to “stick.”

  • Identify any residual energies within me. I’ll check for roots too and look for hidden things to clear out.
  • Clear out the curse (muscle test, sway, or pendulum test if you’re able to). If you get you are unable to, seek someone to help you with clearing. If you get yes, but are unsure, seek someone to help you. It’s okay to get assistance!
  • Double check the thing you are working with has been cleared.
  • Double check to make sure there are no emotions, beliefs, residuals (including hidden), that need to be cleared.
  • Identify any beneficial patterns to integrate to create more protection and empowerment for you.
  • Wrap yourself, your animals, your children, and your home in protection.

I recommend addressing the emotions and beliefs first because these aspects will change your energy enough to deter a similar attachment from occurring again.

Example of Clearing a Curse:

Person A seems to keep getting injured and sick without any logical explanation. They believe they are cursed and want to address it.

On day one, they check for limiting beliefs they have programmed into their subconscious mind, they find the following: “I hate myself.” “Everyone hates me.” “I deserve to be alone.” “I’m evil.” “I’m a bad person.” “I’m an inconvenience.” “I hate being alone.” “I am unwanted.” “I am unlovable.” “I am unworthy.”

These statements in the subconscious mind are on a perpetual loop 24 hours a day, so it’s important to address and clear them out.

Emotions such as “anger,” “fear,” “abandoned,” “unworthy,” and “shame” come up to be released as well.

Why are these beliefs and emotions here? When did they begin? Are some inherited? Person A can test for more information as to where these beliefs came from if they chose to. Some of the limiting beliefs, they are able to clear out fairly easy. Some of them may take multiple days of clearing out the limiting belief because it’s so charged.

They clear out the limiting belief “I hate myself” daily for two weeks before they feel like they’ve had any progress with it. They didn’t realize how many layers there were to that limiting belief and how many feelings were at play with that belief.

On day one, they continue with going through the steps to clear the curse. They check for any cords that may be giving that curse a place to “stick.” It’s a cord that had tied them to a friendship with a person who was very draining and made Person A feel bad about themselves. The person didn’t send the curse to Person A, but their unhealthy connection created a vulnerable point for the curse to “stick.”

Person A goes into crossy-cross position and imagines that cord being burned away. Person A gives themself permission to let go of that relationship and gives the Universe permission to burn away that cord. They retest and find that cord is gone. There are no other cords that need to be cleared in order to clear the curse.

Aside from needing to continue to work on the limiting statement, “I hate myself,” there is nothing else that needs to be cleared in order to clear the curse. Person A goes into the crossy-cross position and imagines the curse as a gunky blob that is burned away from a bright golden light.

They test and find that the curse is cleared. They retest to find there is nothing else (besides the one limiting statement) that needs to be addressed in order to prevent a similar curse from “sticking.”

Person A tests for beneficial statements to incorporate to help strengthen them. They aren’t quite ready to say “love” regarding themselves, so they aim for neutral statements first. “I am neutral about myself.” “I am okay.” “I am an okay person.” “I deserve to be treated with basic human decency.” “I treat myself with basic human decency.”

Person A incorporates these beneficial statements daily over a period of time until they feel like they agree with the statements. From there, they slowly progress to beneficial statements that are geared towards love.

On day one, they wrap themselves, their home, and their loved ones in their home with prayers of protection. You can find ideas for protection in the blogs Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy Field and Cleansing and Protecting Personal Space. There are also stick-figure pictures along with directions available in the ebook “Revealing Your Diamond.”


  • Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America’s most-trusted online dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved February 23, 2023, from
  • Witchtips. (2017, March 22). 🔮 Hexes, Jinxes, & Curses 🔮. Modern Tips For The Modern Witch.