This or Something Better

This post is inspired by the quote: “This or something better now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, for the highest good of all concerned.” – Shakti Gawan

One purpose of this post is to encourage and empower y’all to move from a “better than nothing” mindset to a “this or something better” mindset. And from a “pick your poison” mindset to a “pick the best of two great options.”

Another purpose of this post is for those who want to make goals, but are worried that the goal they make may not be the best for them. The ones who go: “What if I make a goal to open my own business and do all of these things to help create it, but that’s not actually what I should be doing? What if it’s not for my highest good, but I don’t know that yet?”

While it’s okay to have that “better than nothing” mindset consciously, we definitely don’t want that programmed in our subconscious mind. To check if a statement is programmed into the subconscious mind, you can: pendulum test, sway test, muscle test, and/or body check test. The first three methods can be found on different websites, blogs, and in the ebook “Revealing Your Diamond.” The last method is described in Aim for Average blog.


Better Than Nothing:

According to Macmillian Dictionary better than nothing is “used for saying that something is not exactly what you wanted or needed but is more useful than having nothing at all.”

There are many times when consciously thinking this way is necessary in the everyday world.

Pick your poison was originally used when picking an alcoholic beverage, but now has added deeper meanings (pick your poison). It can be said when you have to choose between two unpleasant options. Or pick the “best” of two bad options.

Again, there are many times when consciously thinking this way is necessary in the everyday world.

For both of these phrases, we just want to make sure they are not subconsciously programmed because no one wants to manifest these types of situations.


This or Something Better:

When making and imagining a goal, you can always add at the end “this or something better.” Of course, you can say the entire quote stated at the beginning of this post. I shorten it to “this or something better” when I’m in the midst of focusing on my goals with the intention of the entire quote.

Some of this may tie in with the ability to change. It’s okay to change our minds about situations. It’s okay that the goal we once made that we thought we really wanted, we realize we no longer want anymore. We may realize the goal itself wasn’t what we wanted, but the feeling attached to it.

Going back to the goal of “owning my own business.” How much of it deals with business? Does part of it deal with wanting freedom in creating your schedule? Does part of it deal with wanting to be independent? Those who own their own business know that while there is some freedom and independence, it’s not absolute.

With freedom: Depending on your industry, if you rely on customers coming into your place of business, your working hours are still heavily influenced by others. A restaurant owner does better if they are open during times customers in their area normally eat the types of meals they offer. Grocery store owners need (if possible) daily, long hours of operation. Even those who do remote stuff have to be active in their work so their customers or audience can find them.

With independence: We all still rely on others to purchase our product or utilize our services. Some of us rely on electricity, technology, sanitation, transportation, and other needs to help us function at our business as well as get us to and from our business. If we’re sharing a space with others, we rely on each other to be mindful of noise, cleanliness, and (depending on the shared space) restocking toiletries. There is some independence, but there are still many relationships at play.

Does part of wanting to own a business deal with having bad experiences in previous work environments? Does part of it deal with feeling you can’t rely on anyone so you might as well do it all yourself? If it’s these, then would you still want your own business if you had a work opportunity in an environment with reliable people who all do their jobs well? It could be that you create this within your business or it could be you find it elsewhere, would you be okay with either scenario if this is the most important aspect to you?

By being aware of why you have your goal, it can help give you a better idea of which part of your goal is the most important and which aspects you’re flexible with.


What does my highest good mean?

It is important to determine what “highest good” means for you. There are variations of religious interpretations that teach that suffering is how a person gets closest to their god. If this is a subconscious belief that you are holding onto, then any subconscious beliefs involving “highest good” may attract situations of suffering.

I don’t want that for you. You deserve to have a joyful, peaceful, loving life. So, please define what “highest good” means to you, and test to make sure you believe that. If you don’t believe your definition of “highest good”, then incorporate it into your subconscious. You can use Crossy-Cross Position, Cross-Crawl Maneuver, or Figure 8s with Arms to integrate the statement into your subconscious mind. Descriptions of how to perform those can be found in Aim for Average blog.

“Highest good” suggestion:

  • Highest good means I’m living my best life possible.
  • Highest good means I’m living my best life that is actively supported by God/Universe.

You can also use the same methods of testing and integration for any of the beneficial statements you subconsciously (or consciously) disagree with below.


Beneficial Statements:

  1. I am given great options to choose from.
  2. I am given options that are for my highest good.
  3. I am given options that are for the highest good of all involved.
  4. I choose options that are for my highest good.
  5. I choose options that are for the highest good of all involved.
  6. I create a life that is for my highest good.
  7. I create goals that I’m okay with changing if it’s for my highest good.
  8. I create options that are for my highest good.
  9. I create options that are for the highest good of all involved.
  10. I give myself permission to change my goals when it’s for my highest good.
  11. I give myself permission to change my goals.
  12. I give myself permission to create goals I may let go of.
  13. I give the Universe permission to give me what is for my highest good.



  • Be better than nothing (phrase) American English definition and synonyms: Macmillan Dictionary. BE BETTER THAN NOTHING (phrase) American English definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
  • “pick your poison”. “Pick your poison” – phrase meaning and origin. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from