Downloading Yourself

The purpose of this post is to present a way of looking at the body-spirit connection and provide a meditation and visualization to help the person become more connected with their spirit.

Parts of the epilogue from Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “Biology of Belief” were a huge inspiration for this post. I highly recommend the book.

“I learned from cells that we are part of a whole and that we forget this to our peril. But I also recognized that each one of us has a unique, biological identity. […] Each cell’s unique set of identity receptors are located on the membrane’s outer surface, where they act as “antennas,” downloading complementary environmental signals. These identity receptors read a signal of “self,” which does not exist within the cell but comes to it from the external environment. […] The cell’s receptors are not the source of its identity but the vehicle by which the “self” is downloaded from the environment. When I fully understood this relationship I realized that my identity, my “self,” exists in the environment whether my body is here or not.” (Lipton 2016).

We know that cells have unique receptors that designate that they are part of us. Why? So our immune system won’t attack cells. All of the cells in my body have receptors on them that tag them as “Chesten Cantrell.” No one else has this same receptor in their bodies. (Lipton 2016).

Dr. Lipton takes it a step further by saying that this unique receptor (or perhaps something like it that is on the cell) also functions as an antenna to download the unique frequency that coincides with “Chesten Cantrell” receptor. It’s downloading my spirit/essence into the cell with all of the memories and other information unique to “Chesten Cantrell” frequency. He mentions how looking at the relationship between the body and spirit from this viewpoint can help explain people taking on memories from their donor when they receive an organ donation or even people’s experiences with past lives. It also supports reincarnation. (Lipton 2016).

Is it possible then, that when we feel lost, disconnected, isolated, alone, lonely, that we are not fully tuned to our spiritual self? Do we, perhaps, “shut down” or “turn off” some of our antennas that are connected to our spirit, so we aren’t downloading our spirit in those cells? Could it be when we are stressed, some of them “turn off?” Could it be when our spirit knows the truth of a situation, but it’s too hard for us to process or accept, we “shut off” some of those connections? If we mentally reject what our spirit tells us, can we shut down or limit these connections? Do we sometimes unconsciously refuse to download our spirit? Are we able to reject these downloads? Are we able to mute these downloads so they don’t come in as strongly? Can we choose to download only 20% of our spirit? Could this help explain why we sometimes feel like pieces of us are missing because we are no longer downloading those aspects? Can trauma mess with our connection with ourselves?

Is it also possible when those cells aren’t downloading ourselves, they are more susceptible to downloading signals that aren’t in our best interest? Would we be more affected by other frequencies, be it man-made or cosmic? Could we be more susceptible to retrograde energies if we aren’t as connected with ourselves?

I don’t have the answer to any of these questions, but it makes for an interesting way to look at the relationship between our spirit and body. Below is a suggested meditation and visualization you can try out to ensure every cell of your body is downloading you. And at the end of this post are some beneficial statements you can test out and incorporate.


Meditation and Visualization:

For the visualization part, here are some ideas:

  1. You can imagine an antenna on every single cell of your body. You can imagine the antenna with your name on it. The purpose of this antenna is to download your spiritual aspect into your physical body. You can imagine the frequency being downloaded looks like a wave of one color or a multitude of colors. You can imagine the cell itself getting brighter as it downloads your frequency. Remind yourself that it’s always doing this whether you are aware of it or not. Give these cells permission to do this.
  2. You can imagine a little “charge” bar on every single cell of your body. You can imagine the charge bar has your name on it. You can imagine it’s at whatever percentage that feels right to you. As you consciously give your body permission to always download your frequency, you can imagine this charge bar going up in percentage until it reaches 100%. Remind yourself that it’s always at 100% whether you are aware of it or not. Give these cells permission to do this.

For the meditation aspect, you can perform a body scan while you are picturing what is occurring in your cells. Start at your feet and work your way up your body. You can imagine your body glowing brighter as you download your spirit. If there are parts that feel “empty” or “shut off,” wait patiently while visualizing those cells in that area “turning on” and downloading your spirit. Move on as you’re ready.

When you’re finished at your head, thank yourself for taking the time to perform this meditation. Thank your body and your cells for downloading your spirit. Thank your spirit for connecting with your body. Take your time to see how you feel while fully connected with your body and spirit. Remind yourself that your cells and spirit are always working together beautifully like this. Give your cells and spirit permission to do this.

For those with a donor organ, you could add imagining asking those donor cells to alter their antennas enough so they are able to safely and lovingly download your spirit frequency. Imagine those cells lovingly saying “yes.” Imagine those cells creating strong and healthy relationships within both your physical body and spirit.


Beneficial Statements:

  1. I give all of my cells permission to connect with and download my spirit.
  2. I give my body permission to connect with my spirit.
  3. I give my body permission to download my spirit.
  4. I give my spirit permission to connect with my body.
  5. I give myself permission to connect my body and spirit.
  6. It is safe for all of my cells to connect with and download my spirit.
  7. It is safe for me to connect with myself.
  8. It is safe for my body and my spirit to work together.
  9. It is safe for my body to connect and download my spirit.
  10. It is safe for my spirit to connect with my body.
  11. My cells lovingly recognize and embrace my spirit.



  • Lipton, B. H. (2016). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles (pp. 207–209). Hay House, Inc.