Is the Mind the Bridge Between the Body and Soul?

Soul: immaterial aspect of energy that appears to help in animate living creatures; it’s believed to give life to the body (Oxford Languages)
– For the purpose of this post, the soul and spirit are the same thing

Subconscious: recorded thoughts and feelings that exist in the mind and influence one’s behaviors although they are not aware of them; automatic skills and memories that require no conscious thought; the parts a person is not conscious aware of (Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
– The subconscious is not logical or rational and operates similar to a program. It doesn’t matter is the program is “all people are safe” or “all people are dangerous,” the subconscious will operate as though whichever is written in the subconscious as a fact.
– For the purpose of this post, subconscious and unconscious both mean the same thing.


Who are you?

I like Bruce Lipton’s description of the soul from his book “Biology of Belief” (2016). We have antennas on our cells that download our soul. It makes more sense to me than our soul being embodied in our cells.

  • Human leukocytic antigens (HLA) are self-receptors that are “related to the functions of the immune system. If your self-receptors were to be removed, your cells would no longer reflect your identity. [. . .] When you donate an organ, the closer your set of self-receptors matches the receptors of the person who is to receive the organ, the less aggressive the rejection reaction launched by the recipient’s immune system. [. . .] Each cell’s unique set of identity receptors are located on the membrane’s outer surface, where they act as “antennas,” downloading complementary environmental signals. These identity receptors read a signal of “self,” which does not exist within the cell but comes to it from the external environment.” (p. 208)
  • “Consider the human body as a television set. You are the image on the screen. But your image did not come from inside the television. Your identity is an environmental broadcast that was received via an antenna. One day you turn on the TV and the picture tube has blown out. [. . .] [D]id the image die along with the television set? To answer the question you get another television set, plug it in, turn it on, and tune it to the station you were watching before the picture blew out. [. . .]” (p. 209).
  • “The cell’s receptors are not the course of its identity but the vehicle by which the “self” is downloaded from the environment. [. . .] [I]f my body dies and in the future a new individual (biological “television set”) is born who has the same exact set of identity receptors, that new individual will be downloading “me.” I will once again be present in the world. When my physical body dies, the broadcast is still present” (p. 209).


Higher Self:

The higher self stays on the other side and is our original state that first individualized from the energy we all originate from. It is our soul’s purest individual form. The soul as we experience ourselves is what reaches our antennas. Our conscious mind is the expression of our soul in a modified form that reflects on our current perceptions of reality and physical limitations.

Another way to look at it is our conscious mind is a filter. If our filter is covered with grime and dirt and doesn’t have many openings to pass through, then the expression of our soul is limited and may not be accurately reflected. Like hearing muffled music from another room and assuming it’s one song playing, but in truth it’s a different song that has a similar sound but an entirely different meaning. This can also explain why people getting messages from the other side can get clear information on one topic, but if the messages involve another subject matter, they struggle. If they have conscious and subconscious issues or triggers with a certain topic, the information they receive about that matter may be biased and inaccurately interpreted.


Body and Soul Create the Mind?

As of right now, I feel the mind is a product of the relationship between the body and the soul. It is the bridge that connects the two together and allows them to interact. The mind includes both the subconscious and the conscious. The mind also includes emotions and feelings.

The subconscious ties more in with the body while the conscious ties more in with the soul. But they end up coming together like the yin yang symbol. The soul has times it expresses itself more in the subconscious and the body has times it expresses itself more in the conscious. There are also times we can voluntarily affect normally automatic mechanisms in our body such as breathing.

I think it’s fair to say majority of the time the subconscious is ruled by the body because it doesn’t only include thought patterns and perceptions outside of our awareness, but also activities that keep us alive such as breathing, digesting, sleeping, and such. By viewing the subconscious as an extension of the body, it helps explain the unhealthy programs recorded in our subconscious mind that are inherited. It also better explains why we record unhealthy programs to begin with. Our subconscious is built to ensure our survival. It is constantly observing our environment and people around us and writes programs to “help us” survive. If the subconscious mind was tied in more with the soul instead, it wouldn’t come close to functioning the same way because the soul never dies. It wouldn’t be as concerned with survival of the physical form.

Unfortunately, if we forget that the subconscious is all about survival, we may not notice the warped lens it creates that we view life through. We may not notice our sensitivity to certain spoken words and tones. We may view how we perceive things as normal when in reality we have a faulty perception of our environment due to unhealthy subconscious programs.

An example of this is, for an anxious person, it can be very difficult to listen to “gut instinct” or gut intuition (like clairsentience). Gut sensations seem to connect with the subconscious and the body. If a person has faulty programs where they feel anxious in situations that may not warrant such feelings, it may be difficult for them to use their gut to determine a course of action. If they are subconsciously afraid of healthy relationships, then their gut may act up around people who would offer more stable relationships. They may have to use other tools to discern if it’s intuition or baggage talking with their gut. They may have learned to ignore their gut all together.

When the body and the soul are incongruent, conflicts arise on physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual planes. If there is miscommunication or conflicting desires and goals between the body and soul, inappropriate assumptions or faulty perceptions can occur that we take as truth. I have met many psychics who, when they were performing a reading on a topic they were personally triggered by, they were no longer speaking from place of intuition but instead from a place of personal baggage. And they weren’t even aware of it. When it was pointed out to them, they doubled down and fought against the idea that, at the end of the day, they were human like the rest of us. There are times a topic is too sensitive for us and we can’t get a clear reading on it until we address our personal baggage.

The subconscious is always in the present moment. It’s always about the current state of being and surviving the current moment. The body is always addressing current problems without thinking about the ramifications for the future. The body “fixes” current situation A, but it’s a temporary compensation that will create consequences down the road. Other issues pile on top of the original problem and the body fixes and fixes these things until the compensations break down. Or the body fixes these things until these compensations lead to other problems and diseases. The only reason it appears that the subconscious operates in the past is because it utilizes the programs that have been written to determine what it does. It only deals with the future if there is a program for it, but there is no actual conceptualization of past or future.

A tangible example is like using duct tape to fix a water pipe leak. It may work temporarily, but if we don’t go back and actually consciously take the time to effectively correct that cracked pipe, that duct tape may wear out and/or the water will continue to leak in small drops until it destroys the flooring underneath and create a breeding ground for mold.

The conscious can and does operate in the past, present, and future. It is the part of us that can get caught up in any time period and can also ignore any of them. The conscious involves ego. The creation of ego helps keep our soul tied to the physical body. Without ego, we wouldn’t advocate for our individuality and would be more inclined to disconnect from our bodies and go back to the unconditional love we originate from.

The conscious mind being an extension of the soul and being what allows the soul to be expressed on this plane makes sense with regards to why some people can have a lot of downloads and epiphanies and why some people don’t. If the person isn’t consciously open (or at least asking questions or is curious), the information isn’t going to come in as well if at all. The better both conscious and subconscious are, the better the information comes in. Having the conscious tie in more with the soul also makes sense to me from the dream world aspect. Our subconscious keeps everything running while our conscious can somehow join the soul during its travels. Or maybe the conscious determines how much information we download into our body from our soul during its travels.

I do feel both subconscious programs and conscious beliefs influence what we are able to download into our cells. If a person is closed off to astral travel even only subconsciously, then our bodies may not be able to download information into our cells about our soul’s journey because it conflicts with the body. Also, if there are subconscious patterns on limitations on healing, that seems to influence how much we heal from a situation regardless of what the soul or others provide us to tune to or download. We may be present with a frequency to heal, but our body says “no thank you” for whatever its reasons. The body has free will as much as the soul does.

Viewing the body and soul as being in a relationship makes sense and it shows why meditation is so powerful. Meditation brings the conscious and subconscious together. It brings the soul and the body together and can be a place where a person strengthens this relationship. Any type of creative process has the potential to bring the body and soul together. Mindful movements and activities also have the potential to bring the body and soul together.


Is it right to separate left and right?

When it comes to left brain vs right brain, I feel there’s an inaccuracy in how we divide them. Instead of the left hemisphere representing one and the right hemisphere representing another, it seems more like the right and left cerebral hemispheres tie in with the conscious and soul while the midbrain and brainstem pair more with the subconscious and body. Of course, there are sections of the brain that are a blend of both areas, but I no longer feel separating the left and right as two separate things makes sense. In fact, by doing this we are probably unnecessarily splitting up the conscious and soul into parts and creating a disharmonious relationship. Think of all of the people who claim to only function with a right or a left brain and use it as a way to identify themselves. If we are looking into creating harmonious unions within ourselves, this seems counterproductive.

If you look at the arts such as paintings, literature, and music, they are a blend of emotional and logical. They are a blend of intuition and analytical. The same with science and mathematics. There is a point in these analytical fields where a person takes a quantum leap. Not to mention the number of analytical people who had epiphanies in their work. I know in my job as a body worker and an energy worker, there is a blend between intuition and analytics and it is beautiful to be part of.


Our Bodies:

For the rest of this post, I will be focusing on the body and at the end of the post I have beneficial statement suggestions to incorporate into the subconscious to further help the relationship between the body and soul. You can refer to Aim for Average to both to learn how to test if your subconscious needs to incorporate the beneficial belief as well as how to do so using the Crossy-Cross position. I’m focusing on the body because I feel like there is an increase of disconnection and dissociation from the body as well as negative feelings and viewpoints regarding our bodies.


Our Bodies are Sentient:

From a physiological standpoint, we know that the body is able to interpret and respond to certain types of pain and other input at the level of the spinal cord without involving the brain in its decision-making process. This is where reflexes (spinal reflexes) come into play.

We already know there can be a discrepancy between the information our body provides us from our senses and how our brain interprets that information. Our mental and spiritual perceptions can alter information provided to us from our body.

From a bodywork standpoint, there are times where the body’s needs and the conscious’ needs are not in alignment. The level of pressure during massage is a good example of this. There are people who consciously feel “no pain, no gain.” If the bodywork doesn’t hurt and isn’t uncomfortable, then the practitioner “must not be doing anything.” While consciously they feel this, the fact is a lot of times the physical body responds well to bodywork without having to elicit pain signals.

In fact, there have been times where the level of pressure the person consciously wanted conflicted with that the physical body wanted. Two scenarios can both show there is a conflict between the body and conscious. Scenario One: the body may already be releasing tension and tender nodules at a gentler pressure and afterwards the body has an increase range of motion or posture or gait improvements, proving that things were resolved. Scenario Two, the body may go into “guard” mode if the practitioner goes any deeper and/or if the practitioner goes any deeper, there may be a risk of injury to the body.

If the body feels threatened, it’s going to tighten up. If it feels that the practitioner is hurting it, it’s going to tighten up regardless of what the client consciously wants. Not only will it tighten up, but it may have a negative association with that practitioner and no longer “shows its problems” to that practitioner.

I’ve had the opposite experience with people who have a history of physical abuse and/or are in contact sports. I’ve had a person’s history of injuries be substantial to say the least. When I started working on their body, I noticed that the tight nodules and misaligned vertebrae are few and far between. The first few times it happened to me, I remembered feeling puzzled by what their body was showing me as I worked on them. My gut knew there was more going on, but they weren’t showing it to me. I honored what their body showed me and addressed the problem areas it showed me. After those were resolved and I reassessed their body, it was like it was ready to talk to me. The body suddenly showed me all of its issues and the amounts of tight nodules, tissue adhesions, and misalignments made sense. I proved to the body that I was trustworthy. I showed the body that any weaknesses it showed me, I would do my best to help it address safely and respectfully. And I always view it that the body and I are working together to resolve the issues, with their body being in charge and me assisting them. It didn’t matter if the person already consciously expressed trust in me, I still had to earn trust from their body.

Why do people consciously think they need more force than they do? I’ve personally noticed this pattern doesn’t come from a healthy space. Most had childhoods where they were mocked or belittled for their hurts. They were told to “go rub dirt in it” and to “toughen up” and whatnot. They were bullied. They learned at a young age to have a negative viewpoint of their bodies, especially if their bodies hurt and/or don’t perform perfectly. I’ve known people who, when their body gives signals of pain, they’ll push their bodies harder. Without realizing it, these people are punishing and bullying their bodies the way they were when they were young. They are perpetuating what they learned. If they acknowledged that their body responds well to light input, then what? What would they have to acknowledge about how they were treated in their youth?

There are people who view their body as an enemy. There are people who view their body as a problem. They hate their body and its limitations. They have all other sorts of negative feelings towards their body. What’s interesting is this as much a conscious pattern and action as it is a subconscious one. And, of course, different people have different levels of these patterns in each area. Their body feels the hatred, resentment, and negativity directed at it. As you can imagine, it creates a destructive place for both the body and soul to live. Like a 24/7 toxic relationship they can never get away from.

The good news is the body can and does forgive the conscious. It takes work and effort, but it is possible to repair the relationship. It’s possible to have a beautiful, wonderful union between the body and the soul. It is a miraculous thing to witness. Our body is meant to be our best friend during our earth life. It is the longest relationship we will have while on earth. And how we treat and interact in this relationship sets the tone for all of our other relationships.

The physical body does have a part of it that will stay here on earth and join its fellow earth energies that also remain here after the soul has left. Like the dead trees and other matter, it breaks down until it is ingested back into the life cycle of the physical plane on earth. Another way to look at it is the physical body has its own underlying frequencies that are slower and lower. These frequencies harmonize with the physical materials on earth. The physical body can never reach (and isn’t meant to reach) the frequencies necessary to go to another plane.

Only a part of the body’s essence can unite and stay with the soul if they do create a union. If the subconscious has beneficial programs and isn’t holding onto limiting emotions, it makes sense that that part of it can separate from the physical body and join the soul. If there is a healthy relationship between the body and soul, maybe that part of the body and the conscious become merge with the soul and stays with it for eternity. Maybe that gives us our “eternal life” as this version of us.

If the subconscious doesn’t have beneficial programs and is holding only heavy, limiting emotions, it makes sense that when it separates from the physical body, it isn’t able to join the soul and so it is left as a ghost on this plane. Its frequencies are slightly faster than the physical body, so it isn’t physically palpable, but it’s still slow enough that it can at times be perceived by the human eye or with technology.


Permission to Move: Getting Back in Our Bodies:

Movement is life. Unfortunately, from a young age, children are encouraged not to move for the majority of the time. While there is excitement initially when an infant starts walking, adults are quickly exhausted by how much the child moves and runs. Some parents go from praising the child for moving to wishing they would just stay still. Some view the child as a hassle or difficult for moving around. Some may go as far as the punish the child and view the child in an unfavorable light for moving around.

Besides home life, once a person attends school, they are supposed to sit for 6-7 hours per day for about 180 days. They are encouraged to be quiet, listen to the teacher, and only participate and move when they are given permission. This doesn’t include their commute time to school. This also isn’t counting home life where physical activity may not be encouraged.

According to Tara Drinks from Understood, the average amount of time a child should be expected to sit at one time varies in age:

  • 3 years old: 5-10 minutes
  • 5 years old: 15 minutes
  • 7 years old: 25 minutes
  • 10 years old: 40 minutes

We already know that sitting for extended periods of time isn’t good for our health and wellbeing.

We also know increase in physical activity is important for brain development and leads to better grades, yet some treat recess and physical education as “rewards” instead of necessities. Some view these are parts of the curriculum that are worth cutting.

And those who fidget? How many of us got in trouble with adults for fidgeting? How many of us got in trouble with our peers for fidgeting because they were already trained not to move and projected that lesson onto us? We were viewed as problems or difficult.

So, what’s the alternative? Disconnecting or dissociating from our bodies. We know that dissociation can happen with physical trauma, but what about emotional trauma of being viewed as difficult or bad for moving around? If we aren’t in our body, then we can ignore its signals asking us to move. Then we won’t get in trouble for moving around.

One of the many issues with this is that most don’t learn to get back in their bodies. They lose body awareness and may not be able to pick up on signals the body sends when it’s in trouble. This disconnect also moves our bodies and souls further from each other. If we have negative associations with moving, it may further impair the relationship between our bodies and souls.

Body movements can be a way of expressing our mind and spirit. Movements like dance can be liberating and help us let go of heavy emotions and stresses. We can express movements in ways that may not be able to put into words. It can literally and figuratively propel us forward on our paths.

So, let’s treat our miraculous bodies with the love, compassion, and respect they deserve and that will in turn further strengthen and heal our relationship between our bodies and souls.


Beneficial Statements:

  1. I am aware of my body.
  2. I connect with my body.
  3. I give my body permission to move.
  4. I give myself permission to be aware of my body.
  5. I give myself permission to be aware of sensation in and stored in my body.
  6. I give myself permission to be in my body.
  7. I give myself permission to feel my body.
  8. I give myself permission to love and appreciate my body.
  9. I love and appreciate my body.
  10. I respect and honor my body’s limitations.
  11. It is safe for me to be in my body.
  12. It is safe for me to move.
  13. My body helps me to the best of its abilities.
  14. My body is my best friend.



  • Cambridge Dictionary.
  • Drinks, T. (2023, June 15). Child can’t sit still. Understood.
  • Lipton, B. H. (2016). The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles (pp. 207–209). Hay House, Inc.
  • Merriam-Webster.
  • Oxford Languages.