Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy Field

You want to make a habit to at least clear your energy field once a day. You could make it part of your daily routine in the mornings and evenings to do a prayer. I tend to do a prayer to cleanse my aura and then turn around and do a prayer to add layers of protection.
This is by no means a complete list of all the things a person can do. But these can give you some ideas of where to start.
Do what feels right to you.

Negative energy means energy that is harmful to the soul, mind, and/or body.
Stagnant energy means energy that is taking up space and/or slowing things down in a non-beneficial way. It can be neutral energy that doesn’t belong in that person.

Short Routine Ideas: you can do any of these alone or in combo with one another. Pick a routine that you feel in your heart works and makes you feel lighter and safer.

  • Candle: burning a candle can clear and protect a person’s energy depending on the intention the person puts into the candle.
    • You can add drops of essential oil to the candle prior to lighting it for an extra kick (or because you enjoy the scent of the oil). If you can’t burn a candle where you are at and want to use a fake candle, go for it. You may imagine the flames of the candle clearing anyway any negative and stagnant energy from your energy field. Again, it seems like the person’s intention has more power than the tools used.
  • Crystals: you can carry crystals on your person for cleansing and protecting your energy field. There are many crystal books out there that go into detail about their abilities/properties. Amethyst, onyx, and obsidian are all viewed as protective crystals.
    • If there is another kind of crystal that you have bonded with and you want to know if you can use it for protection, you can use a pendulum or sway test to ask that crystal if it can assist you with protection. Be open to whatever its answer is.
  • Hand washing: while you’re washing your hands, you can also imagine any negative and stagnant energies being cleared from your field and being washed away.
  • Sounds: this fits in both the short and long routine section. If you’re taking part in creating the sound, then you can choose how short or long you perform the routine.
    • Suggestions will be provided below regarding sounds that can be used to clear your energy field. Remember that intention and what you connect with are the most important factors. If you don’t like classical music, don’t use it clear your field. If playing bluegrass makes you feel lighter and safe, then play that to clear your field. I don’t recommend playing something with harmful or negative lyrics because of the power of the subconscious mind. There are studies that show certain types of music have a more positive effect on plant growth compared to other types of music.
      • Unharmonious and non-rhythmic sounds tend to have a negative effect on plant growth (Chowdhury & Gupta).
    • Chanting or singing:
      • Gregorian chants, classic music, New Age music, nature sounds, jazz, and Waltz were found by Lai and Wu to promote plant growth
      • Vedic chants and classical Indian music were found by Chivukula and Ramaswamy to promote plant growth
    • Chimes, singing bowls, tuning forks, and other instruments: by playing any of these instruments, the vibrations are thought to dispel stagnant and negative energies from a person’s energy field
    • Solfeggio sounds: explanations below were provided by MindVibrations.
      • 74 Hz: natural aesthetic; give internal organs security and comfort
      • 285 Hz: skin & muscle healing; rejuvenates body, mind, & energetic levels
      • 396 Hz: turn grief into joy; liberating guilt & fear
      • 417 Hz: undo situations; release trauma; change and renew; facilitates change
      • 528 Hz: transformation, miracles, DNA repair
      • 639 Hz: re-connecting & balancing relationships
      • 741 Hz: solving problems, expressions, & solutions
      • 852 Hz: awakening intuition
      • 963 Hz: highest conscious plane, psychic vision, telepathy, spirit to original setting
  • Spray: have a little glass bottle with an essential oil and water mixture. You can add a crystal inside of the dilution for an extra kick. Of course, make sure that the crystal isn’t water soluble. You can use this spray on yourself to clear and protect your energy field
    • Essential oils: cedar, dill, frankincense, rosemary, sage, or any other type of essential oil that can cleanse energy and provide protection
    • Crystals: amethyst, onyx, and obsidian are all protective crystals


Long Routine Ideas:

  • Incense: this can be a powder or in a molded form and can be burned to cleanse a space. You can burn incense and circle it around you to clear your energy. While you’re at it, you can go ahead and cleanse your house of negative and stagnant energy too.
  • Nature walks: getting out in nature can be a great way to calm down your nervous system and cleanse your energy field.
    • You can go barefoot in the grass at your home. Close your eyes and focus on your connection with the earth. You can imagine any negative or stagnant energies being cleared out of your body and taken into the earth where they are transformed into nutrients. Like energetic composting.
    • You can take a walk in nature and imagine your energy field being cleansed with every step.
    • Wherever it is that you find the most peace and comfort, you can go to that place and imagine all of your stresses, worries, and gunk being cleared out of your system.
  • Salt shower/salt bath: you can scrub your body with salt as a way of clearing your energy field.
  • Self-work: sometimes referred to as shadow work, subconscious work, or the like. My ebook “Revealing Your Diamond” goes more in-depth about this type of work.
  • Smoke cleanse: burning herbs and/or resins to cleanse their energy.
    • You can burn dried cedar to cleanse and protect yourself. Dried chamomile, dillweed, rosemary, and sage are some herbs you can burn to cleanse your energy. Resins like frankincense and copal can also be used.
    • You can use additional props and/or include reciting poetry or singing a song.


Prayers and Visualizations: simple drawings of the visualizations and additional explanations to the reasoning behind these prayers and visualizations can be found in my ebook “Revealing Your Diamond.” Here, I’ll provide the prayers and written form of the visualizations.

  • Cleansing the aura:
    • Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all negative energy and stagnant energy from me. Please send this energy up to God where it is transformed into Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Please replace the energy removed from me with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Thank you.
    • Short Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all negative and stagnant energy from me. Replace it with Light, Love, and other beneficial energies. Thank you.
    • Visual: While using this prayer, you can visualize water “washing” the negative and stagnant energy away from you. You can visualize wind “sweeping” the negative and stagnant energy away from you. You can visualize white/gold light coming in and filling in the spaces from where the negative and stagnant energy was removed. There may be another visual that works better for you or you may prefer using just the prayer.


  • Removing Unhealthy Cords/Connections:
    • Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all unhealthy connections from all of those I’ve connected to. Please remove any and all unhealthy connections from all of those who’ve connected to me. Please send these cords up to God where they are transformed into Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Please fill the spaces from the disconnections with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Thank you.
    • Short Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all unhealthy connections to and from me. Replace it with Light, Love, and other beneficial energies. Thank you.
    • Visual: You can visualize cords attached to the front of your body. These cords represent all of the people you have attached to (meaning you initiated the attachment). You visualize these cords being safely and effectively removed from you AND from the other person. You can even visualize these cords being sent up to God to be transformed into positive energy. You can imagine white/gold light filling in these spaces created by removing the cords. You would then visualize cords attached to the back of your body. These cords represent all of the people who have attached to you (meaning they initiated the attachment). You go through the same process of removal. You can opt out of using a visual and use only the prayer.


  • Protection Individual:
    • Prayer: Dear God, please surround me with protective energy so only positive energy can come through. Please infuse this protection with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Thank you.
    • Short Prayer: Dear God, please surround me with protective energy that is infused with Light, Love, and other beneficial energies. Thank you.
    • Visual: You can visualize a white light of protection surrounding you. You can visualize multiple layers with varying colors surrounding you. You can visualize a rainbow of light surrounding you. For me, I envision a white light shaped similar to an egg. Some people envision an armor of protection. Visualize whatever resonates for you or you can just use the prayer.


  • Limiting Energy Transfer:
    • Prayer: Dear God, please prevent/block any of my negative energy or stagnant energy from transferring to this person and please prevent/block any of their negative energy or stagnant energy from transferring to me. Thank you.
    • Visual: You can visualize yourself encased in a bubble where none of their negative or stagnant energy can come within and none of your negative or stagnant energy can go to them. This is similar to the protective energy visual.
    • When working with a person or receiving work, you can visualize God’s energy flowing between you two at the point where you touch. Some of God’s energy flows to them and some flows to you, but your two energies never blend. It’s similar to the blood brain barrier or the placental barrier. At the most, only healthy, positive energy from you may travel to the other person and vice versa. You could also visualize any negative energy you and/or the person has going up to God to be transformed and replaced with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy.

You can also change the prayer to fit your belief system. You can ask: Creator, Spirit, God, Goddess, Allah, Almighty, Supreme Consciousness, or any other term that represents God for you. Sometimes, I’ll use the term Universe. I know there are multiple universes, but I imagine the Ultimate Universe that EVERYTHING fits in.


  • Chivukula, V., & Ramaswamy, S. (2014). Effect of different types of music on Rosa chinensis plants. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5(5), 431–434.
  • Chowdhury, A.R., & Gupta, A. (2015). Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview, International Journal of Integrative Sciences, Innovation and Technology (IJIIT), 4(6), 30 – 34.
  • Lai, Y.-N., & Wu, H.-C. (2020). Effects of different types of music on the germination and seedling growth of alfalfa and lettuce plants. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(2).
  • MindVibrations. (2020, June 10). Healing Music for the Mind & Body. MindVibrations.