Cleansing and Protecting Personal Spaces

Create a routine to cleanse your space every day. Cleansing your personal and/or your business space both the beginning and end of the day would be ideal. Of course, whenever you are able to is fantastic. The good news is cleansing and protection rituals can take as long or as short as you would like. The biggest factor that I have noticed with cleansing and protecting personal spaces is the person’s intention. When a person is cleansing and protecting someone else’s space, there are other factors at play that can prevent the person from being able to completely clear the space.

Cleansing a space is a good way to set the tone for the day and some people use these various practices to “turn on” their intuitive side for work.

After each session or meeting or business interaction, take a moment to clear your space. It can be a quick prayer, washing your hands, or a detailed, thorough cleansing. Do what makes you feel like your energy and the space are cleared.

I highly recommend cleansing your space/home before doing the prayer for protection because it’s important to cleanse your home of negativity and stagnant energy. Imagine what your home would look like if you never cleaned or picked up after yourself. Imagine what your home would look like if all of the people and animals who visit your home are covered in muck as they walk around your home and sit on your furniture. Imagine if you never cleaned after they left. That’s a lot of muck left in the home!

Short Routine Ideas: you can do any other these alone or in combo with one another. Pick a routine that you feel in your heart works and makes the space feel lighter and safer to you.

  • Candle: burning a candle can clear and protect a space depending on the intention the person puts into the candle. You can add drops of essential oil to the candle prior to lighting it for an extra kick (or because you enjoy the scent of the oil). If you can’t burn a candle where you are at and want to use a fake candle, go for it. Again, it seems like the person’s intention has more power than the tools used.
  • Cleansing Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all negative energy and stagnant energy from this location. Please send this energy up to God where it is transformed into Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Please replace the energy removed from this location with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Thank you.
    • Shorter Prayer: Dear God, please remove any and all negative and stagnant energy from this location and replace that energy with Light, Love, and other beneficial energies. Thank you.
  • Diffusing: diffusing essential oils like cedar, dill, frankincense, rosemary, sage, and the like can cleanse and protect a space.
    • I include this in the short routine section because you can set up the diffuser in your space and then go about your day. Some people who are sensitive to smells may find this method overwhelming, so be aware of that if you are utilizing this technique for a more public space.
    • If there are animals in the space, be aware that there are oils that are contraindicated to diffuse around animals. “[C]innamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to dogs. Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic” (Schmid, Brutlag, & Flint).
      • provides more information about the matter as well as lists of essential oils that are toxic to dogs and cats. (
  • Protection Prayer: Dear God, please surround my home with protective energy so only beneficial energy can come through. Please infuse this protection with Unconditional Love Energy, Joy Love Energy, Healing Energy, and God’s Perfect Love Energy. Thank you.
    • Shorter Prayer: Dear God, please surround my home with protective energy so only beneficial energy can come through. Thank you.
  • Salt lamp: while not known to cleanse or protect a space, I’m adding it because there was a study by Naz and Haleem that “suggest[s] that usage of salt lamp might be helpful environmental tool to relieve anxiety and improve memory.”
    • It has also been found that salt lamps are too small to ionize the air enough to have a health benefit and they do not purify air. This is regarding a person having one or two salt lamps in the room. This doesn’t include salt caves, which have been shown to have health benefits.
  • Sounds: this fits in both the short and long routine section. If you’re taking part in creating the sound, then you can choose how short or long you perform the routine. You can also create a playlist and put it to play and leave it to clear the space while you do other things. Like you would with the diffuser.
    • Suggestions will be provided below regarding sounds that can be used to clear a space. Remember that intention and what you connect with are the most important factors. If you don’t like classical music, don’t use it to clear a space. If playing bluegrass makes your space feel lighter and more open, then play that to cleanse the space. I don’t recommend playing something with harmful or negative lyrics because of the power of the subconscious mind. There are studies that show certain types of music have a more positive effect on plant grow compared to other types of music.
      • Unharmonious and non-rhythmic sounds tend to have a negative effect on plant growth (Chowdhury & Gupta).
    • Chanting or singing:
      • Gregorian chants, classic music, New Age music, nature sounds, jazz, and Waltz were found by Lai and Wu to promote plant growth
      • Vedic chants and classical Indian music were found by Chivukula and Ramaswamy to promote plant growth
    • Chimes, singing bowls, tuning forks, and other instruments: by playing any of these instruments, the vibrations are thought to dispel stagnant/negative energies from the area
    • Solfeggio sounds: 417hz is able to clear negative energies from a person and from a space
  • Sprays: salt water and/or essential oils mixed with water can be used to cleanse a space by misting the area; some people will add crystals to their spray jar to further cleanse the area
  • Visualizations:
    • Cleansing Visualization: You can visualize gunk being washed, burned, or blown away from your personal space. You can imagine God(s) and/or angelic beings going around cleaning up the space with brooms, mops, and/or rags. Whatever works for you and makes you feel like the space is cleansed will work.
    • Protection Visualization: You can visualize a golden grid system encasing the entire home, including the room and the foundation. If you’re including outside property, you can visualize a white/gold sphere for outside of the home where the protection also goes underground.


Long Routine Ideas:

  • Altar: you can set up an altar in your personal or business space. It can be a large space like an entire table or the room itself. It can be small like in a cubby space or a jewelry box. You can have animal figurines, crystals, figurines, statues, or other items that are important to you. It can be figurines and/or symbols that represent deities and other metaphysical beings in your belief system that you view as protectors. It can be words, poetry, or prayers that are significant to you. It can be artwork that is significant to you. You can create an altar that both repels harmful and stagnant energies as well as calls in beneficial energies.
  • Cleaning: while sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting, you can imagine your collecting all of the energetic gunk. When you throw away the dust and debris, you are also throwing out all of the stagnant and limiting energies from your space.
  • Crystal grids: it is exactly what it sounds like. It’s making a grided space out of crystals. It can be as small as on a shelf or as big as encompassing an entire property. There are people who will create a grid at the corners of their property line of their land. There are people who will have a picture of the property they want to protect and create a grid on that picture. There are many options for using crystals to cleanse and protect your space.
    • For one room, you can place a crystal or multiple crystals at each corner of the room. For me, I tend to have one shelf that I place all of my crystals on so no one accidental knocks them around.
    • MacKenzie Sylvester writes a great blog about crystals and where you can place them in your home. They mention nine crystals for protection: black tourmaline, black obsidian, bloodstone, tiger’s eye, howlite, hematite, selenite, rose quartz, and amethyst. For more information about the crystals’ properties, you can check out MacKenzie’s blog. The link is provided in the reference section.
    • It’s recommended to cleanse and charge your crystals every so often. You can use a pot of dirt and/or salt. You can set your crystals out in the full moon (or make sure the full moon light comes through a window and onto your crystals). Some crystals you can rinse with water, but make sure to research this one because some crystals will dissolve in water.
  • Emotional cleanse: there are times where strong emotions occur in a space and the vibrations get “stuck” in that space. Sometimes, the land or the building wants that emotion to be identified in order for it to be released. You can use a pendulum or muscle testing to figure out what emotion needs to cleared from the space. From there, you determine if there is any more information you need. If not, then you can use any of the other methods mentioned to clear the space of that emotion. You could also use a simple prayer and imagine a gold light clearing the emotion(s) out of the space.
    • Why wouldn’t an emotion clear out when you’re already clearing the space? Why does identifying it make a difference?
      • I feel like a lot of emotions do actually get cleared out of spaces when we do our cleanses. I view it like cleaning. Most emotions in a space are like specks of dust that are easy to sweep and dust away. Sometimes, for whatever reason, there is a small spot or streak of dirt that needs to be specifically addressed with elbow grease. I’ve noticed it to be the case in areas where there are high and/or heavy emotions on a consistent basis. I’ve also noticed it in spaces where one really traumatic event happened in the space. For whatever reason, the nice thing is that by identifying and focusing on the emotion while performing any of the cleanses mentioned in this article, it appears to be enough to clear out the emotion(s) from the space.
  • Incense: this can be a powder or in a molded form and can be burned to cleanse a space.
  • Organizing/Reorganizing space: any time a space is organized or reorganized, it kicks up the energy in the space. By kicking up the energy, you already dispelling stagnant energies. From there, if you are letting go of items, you can imagine also releasing limiting energies as you remove the items from your home. I would recommend imagining the limiting and stagnant energies completing disintegrating, including disintegrating from the actual items you’re removing from your space.
  • Smoke cleanse: burning herbs and/or resins to cleanse a space
    • You can burn dried cedar to cleanse and protect a space. Dried chamomile, dillweed, rosemary, and sage are some herbs you can burn to cleanse the space. Resins like frankincense and copal can also be used.
    • A person may use additional props and/or include reciting poetry or singing a song.
    • Many cultures across the world utilize this practice and each culture may use specific herbs and/or rituals that have been passed down through their traditions. Within each culture, specific groups within a culture may use specific herbs and/or rituals that have been passed down through their traditions. Some of these practices are considered “open” and shareable to those outside of the culture. Some of these practices are considered “closed” and should only be practiced by those in that lineage.

I feel cleansing your home and putting up protection creates a safe space for you to escape to from the normal ups and downs of the external world. Your home should be your haven. It should be a place where you can recharge and rest. The ability to rest and relax is essential for your body to be at its healthiest and happiest.

I also feel it’s important to have a clear and protected space at your work. As a healthcare provider, I get many complements by patients about my office space. They will use the words like “safe”, “calm”, “light”, and “comforting” to describe my office room. I clear my office multiple times a day and also keep it wrapped in protective energy. I know it makes me feel better and I feel like I’m a better healer when I use cleansing and protection methods.

Prayer Modifications:

You can also change the prayer to fit your belief system. You can ask: Creator, Spirit, God, Goddess, Allah, Almighty, Supreme Consciousness, or any other term that represents God for you. Sometimes, I’ll use the term Universe. I know there are multiple universes, but I imagine the Ultimate Universe that EVERYTHING fits in.

You can change the verbiage to specify whether you are protecting your house, your room specifically, or even a small space in a room. You can use space/home/business or whatever works best for you.


  • AEC. (n.d.). Essential oils: Not essential for pets! Animal Emergency Center (AEC). Retrieved January 5, 2023, from
  • Chivukula, V., & Ramaswamy, S. (2014). Effect of different types of music on Rosa chinensis plants. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 5(5), 431–434.
  • Chowdhury, A.R., & Gupta, A. (2015). Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview, International Journal of Integrative Sciences, Innovation and Technology (IJIIT), 4(6), 30 – 34.
  • Lai, Y.-N., & Wu, H.-C. (2020). Effects of different types of music on the germination and seedling growth of alfalfa and lettuce plants. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(2).
  • MindVibrations. (2020, June 10). Healing Music for the Mind & Body. MindVibrations.
  • Naz, H., & Haleem, D. J. (2010). Exposure to illuminated salt lamp increases 5-HT metabolism: A serotonergic perspective to its beneficial effects. Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 43(2), 105–108.
  • Schmid, R., Brutlag, A., & Flint, C. (n.d.). Essential oil and liquid potpourri poisoning in dogs. VCA Animal Hospitals. Retrieved January 5, 2023, from
  • Sylvester, M. K. (2022, June 29). 9 Protection Crystals to Preserve Good Energy in Your Home [web log]. Retrieved January 10, 2023, from