Give Yourself Permission

There are times during the healing process where we may not know what to do next. Or we may have a block preventing us from knowing what to do or where to go next on our journey. Or we may have an overwhelming situation we are facing and can’t think straight. I like using statements… Continue reading Give Yourself Permission

Heroes, Victims, Villains, and the In-Betweens

Dr. Stephen Karpman created the Karpman Drama Triangle that outlines various scenarios and conflicts that involve three players: rescue, persecutor, and the victim. For more information about his work, you can go to The purpose of this blog is to introduce a Venn Diagram version of the Hero-Victim-Villain Paradigm as well as introduce ways to… Continue reading Heroes, Victims, Villains, and the In-Betweens

Downloading Yourself

The purpose of this post is to present a way of looking at the body-spirit connection and provide a meditation and visualization to help the person become more connected with their spirit. Parts of the epilogue from Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “Biology of Belief” were a huge inspiration for this post. I highly recommend the book.… Continue reading Downloading Yourself

Prayers, Spells, & Curses

There are multiple purposes for this post. One is to help bring to light how similar prayers, spells, and curses are. Another purpose is to help you better receive prayers and spells by incorporating beneficial beliefs into your subconscious that will attract what you’re asking for in your prayers.  Yet another purpose is also to… Continue reading Prayers, Spells, & Curses

Aim for Average!

The purpose of this post is to help those who may be more in the category of feeling self-dislike, self-hatred, self-shame, self-disgust, and/or some other negative viewpoints of themselves. So, if self-love seems too unrealistic, aim for self-tolerance and self-neutrality. Self-love doesn’t occur overnight, especially if you’re starting from a negative viewpoint of yourself. It… Continue reading Aim for Average!

Cleansing and Protecting Personal Spaces

Create a routine to cleanse your space every day. Cleansing your personal and/or your business space both the beginning and end of the day would be ideal. Of course, whenever you are able to is fantastic. The good news is cleansing and protection rituals can take as long or as short as you would like.… Continue reading Cleansing and Protecting Personal Spaces

Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy Field

You want to make a habit to at least clear your energy field once a day. You could make it part of your daily routine in the mornings and evenings to do a prayer. I tend to do a prayer to cleanse my aura and then turn around and do a prayer to add layers… Continue reading Cleansing and Protecting Your Energy Field