The purpose of this post is to provide a possible explanation why your loved ones don’t change their perceptions of reality. This isn’t a one-size fits all explanation. I feel like most issues in life are complex and involve a pie chart of reasons why something is going on, and the percentages are different for… Continue reading Why Don’t They?
Tag: Subconscious work
Give Yourself Permission
There are times during the healing process where we may not know what to do next. Or we may have a block preventing us from knowing what to do or where to go next on our journey. Or we may have an overwhelming situation we are facing and can’t think straight. I like using statements… Continue reading Give Yourself Permission
Positive Interactions, Joy, and Reinforcement: All are Necessities of Life
The purpose of this post is to define and discuss the importance of positive interactions (including self-talk), joy, and reinforcement. Provided are journal ideas for each topic as well as a list of beneficial statements at the end a person can incorporate into their practice. Definitions: courtesy of Oxford Dictionary: Condemn: express complete disproval of;… Continue reading Positive Interactions, Joy, and Reinforcement: All are Necessities of Life
Is the Mind the Bridge Between the Body and Soul?
Soul: immaterial aspect of energy that appears to help in animate living creatures; it’s believed to give life to the body (Oxford Languages) – For the purpose of this post, the soul and spirit are the same thing Subconscious: recorded thoughts and feelings that exist in the mind and influence one’s behaviors although they are… Continue reading Is the Mind the Bridge Between the Body and Soul?
Heroes, Victims, Villains, and the In-Betweens
Dr. Stephen Karpman created the Karpman Drama Triangle that outlines various scenarios and conflicts that involve three players: rescue, persecutor, and the victim. For more information about his work, you can go to The purpose of this blog is to introduce a Venn Diagram version of the Hero-Victim-Villain Paradigm as well as introduce ways to… Continue reading Heroes, Victims, Villains, and the In-Betweens
Whether it’s Us vs Them or Me vs Them, It’s a No-Win
We are all connected. We all come from the same stuff and when we die we will all return to the same stuff at some point. The purpose of this post is to help people move through unhealthy perceptions they may be holding consciously and subconsciously about their internal and external environment. Diversity equals life.… Continue reading Whether it’s Us vs Them or Me vs Them, It’s a No-Win
This or Something Better
This post is inspired by the quote: “This or something better now manifests for me in totally satisfying and harmonious ways, for the highest good of all concerned.” – Shakti Gawan One purpose of this post is to encourage and empower y’all to move from a “better than nothing” mindset to a “this or something… Continue reading This or Something Better
Downloading Yourself
The purpose of this post is to present a way of looking at the body-spirit connection and provide a meditation and visualization to help the person become more connected with their spirit. Parts of the epilogue from Dr. Bruce Lipton’s “Biology of Belief” were a huge inspiration for this post. I highly recommend the book.… Continue reading Downloading Yourself
Is Placebo and Nocebo Effect Influenced by the Subconscious?
Placebo/Nocebo Effect and the Conscious Mind: Placebo effect is when the mind convinces the body that a treatment is real even though it is a sham. It creates a complex neurobiological reaction that includes “everything from increase of feel-good neurotransmitters, like endorphins and dopamine, to greater activity in certain brain regions linked to moods, emotional… Continue reading Is Placebo and Nocebo Effect Influenced by the Subconscious?
What is Love?
If your first instinct is to complete the question with “baby, don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more,” then you’re already on the right track with this blog (Halligan & Torello). The purpose of this post is to offer a chance to explore what love means to you personally, how you were taught it… Continue reading What is Love?